“Come away from your anxious hesitations into the storm of events.”

– Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Our group is inspired by the man Simon of Cyrene. Picked from the crowd watching Christ struggle under the agonizing weight of the cross, Simon Cyrene helped carry the load. An African carrying the burden for a suffering Jew. Two different people. One who struggled. And another who refused to stand by and watch. WE CHOOSE NOT TO BE BYSTANDERS.

The storms of events are all around us. They are right outside our doors, across our streets, in front of our faces. They may be blocks away or oceans away. But they are there. The storms. We see them. We cannot help but see them. Do we watch the storms of events destroy the human spirit? Do we hesitate to jump in? Or do we, in total abandonment, take the leap?

We choose to leap. Will it be painful? At times, yes. Will we fail? Most assuredly there will be stumbles. But we go. We go headstrong into the winds. We choose not to be bystanders to the storm. We choose to be participants in the life of the storm.

Simon Cyrene Group is a 501(3)c nonprofit organization using creativity to bring beauty and dignity to individuals, families, and communities at risk.

The mission of Simon Cyrene is to create an impact of significance. It is the ripple effect. It is much like a pebble hitting the water, creating impact, spreading far, touching all in its path. Every ripple leads to the next. Everything is connected. One impact leads to the next. We believe we have been invited by our Creator to participate in His creative process and to use our gifts to help uplift the human spirit and to help elevate the human condition.

Through the disciplines of the fine arts, architectural design, interior design, landscape design, product design, and graphic design, our efforts and programs are focused on art education and art therapy, community revitalization and beautification, public art, affordable housing, and public awareness communications.